30 Dec 2009
Nina in Pina sta diplomirali!
25 Dec 2009
22 Dec 2009
Kit grbavec kandidat za Ime leta 2009
Foto: Tilen Genov, Morigenos
8 Dec 2009
Is population growth really the big environmental issue?
from: http://www.monbiot.com/archives/2009/09/29/the-population-myth/
People who claim that population growth is the big environmental issue are shifting the blame from the rich to the poor
By George Monbiot. Published in the Guardian, 29th Septeember 2009
It’s no coincidence that most of those who are obsessed with population growth are post-reproductive wealthy white men: it’s about the only environmental issue for which they can’t be blamed. The brilliant earth systems scientist James Lovelock, for example, claimed last month that “those who fail to see that population growth and climate change are two sides of the same coin are either ignorant or hiding from the truth. These two huge environmental problems are inseparable and to discuss one while ignoring the other is irrational.”(1) But it’s Lovelock who is being ignorant and irrational.
A paper published yesterday in the journal Environment and Urbanization shows that the places where population has been growing fastest are those in which carbon dioxide has been growing most slowly, and vice versa. Between 1980 and 2005, for example, Sub-Saharan Africa produced 18.5% of the world’s population growth and just 2.4% of the growth in CO2. North America turned out 4% of the extra people, but 14% of the extra emissions. Sixty-three per cent of the world’s population growth happened in places with very low emissions(2).
Even this does not capture it. The paper points out that around one sixth of the world’s population is so poor that it produces no significant emissions at all. This is also the group whose growth rate is likely to be highest. Households in India earning less than 3,000 rupees a month use a fifth of the electricity per head and one seventh of the transport fuel of households earning Rs30,000 or more. Street sleepers use almost nothing. Those who live by processing waste (a large part of the urban underclass) often save more greenhouse gases than they produce.
Many of the emissions for which poorer countries are blamed should in fairness belong to us. Gas flaring by companies exporting oil from Nigeria, for example, has produced more greenhouse gases than all other sources in sub-Saharan Africa put together(3). Even deforestation in poor countries is driven mostly by commercial operations delivering timber, meat and animal feed to rich consumers. The rural poor do far less harm(4).
The paper’s author, David Satterthwaite of the International Institute for Environment and Development, points out that the old formula taught to all students of development - that total impact equals population times affluence times technology (I=PAT) - is wrong. Total impact should be measured as I=CAT: consumers times affluence times technology. Many of the world’s people use so little that they wouldn’t figure in this equation. They are the ones who have most children.
While there’s a weak correlation between global warming and population growth, there’s a strong correlation between global warming and wealth. I’ve been taking a look at a few superyachts, as I’ll need somewhere to entertain Labour ministers in the style to which they’re accustomed. First I went through the plans for Royal Falcon Fleet’s RFF135, but when I discovered that it burns only 750 litres of fuel per hour(5) I realised that it wasn’t going to impress Lord Mandelson. I might raise half an eyebrow in Brighton with the Overmarine Mangusta 105, which sucks up 850 l/hr(6). But the raft that’s really caught my eye is made by Wally Yachts in Monaco. The WallyPower 118 (which gives total wallies a sensation of power) consumes 3400 l/hr when travelling at 60 knots(7). That’s nearly one litre per second. Another way of putting it is 31 litres per kilometre(8).
Of course to make a real splash I’ll have to shell out on teak and mahogany fittings, carry a few jet skis and a mini-submarine, ferry my guests to the marina by private plane and helicopter, offer them bluefin tuna sushi and beluga caviar and drive the beast so fast that I mash up half the marine life of the Mediterranean. As the owner of one of these yachts I’ll do more damage to the biosphere in ten minutes than most Africans inflict in a lifetime. Now we’re burning, baby.
Someone I know who hangs out with the very rich tells me that in the banker belt of the lower Thames valley there are people who heat their outdoor swimming pools to bath temperature, all round the year. They like to lie in the pool on winter nights, looking up at the stars. The fuel costs them £3000 a month. One hundred thousand people living like these bankers would knacker our life support systems faster than 10 billion people living like the African peasantry. But at least the super wealthy have the good manners not to breed very much, so the rich old men who bang on about human reproduction leave them alone.
In May the Sunday Times carried an article headlined “Billionaire club in bid to curb overpopulation”. It revealed that “some of America’s leading billionaires have met secretly” to decide which good cause they should support. “A consensus emerged that they would back a strategy in which population growth would be tackled as a potentially disastrous environmental, social and industrial threat.”(9) The ultra-rich, in other words, have decided that it’s the very poor who are trashing the planet. You grope for a metaphor, but it’s impossible to satirise.
James Lovelock, like Sir David Attenborough and Jonathan Porritt, is a patron of the Optimum Population Trust (OPT). It is one of dozens of campaigns and charities whose sole purpose is to discourage people from breeding in the name of saving the biosphere. But I haven’t been able to find any campaign whose sole purpose is to address the impacts of the very rich.
The obsessives could argue that the people breeding rapidly today might one day become richer. But as the super wealthy grab an ever greater share and resources begin to run dry, this, for most of the very poor, is a diminishing prospect. There are strong social reasons for helping people to manage their reproduction, but weak environmental reasons, except among wealthier populations.
The Optimum Population Trust glosses over the fact that the world is going through demographic transition: population growth rates are slowing down almost everywhere and the number of people is likely, according to a paper in Nature, to peak this century(10), probably at around 10 billion(11). Most of the growth will take place among those who consume almost nothing.
But no one anticipates a consumption transition. People breed less as they become richer, but they don’t consume less; they consume more. As the habits of the super-rich show, there are no limits to human extravagance. Consumption can be expected to rise with economic growth until the biosphere hits the buffers. Anyone who understands this and still considers that population, not consumption, is the big issue is, in Lovelock’s words, “hiding from the truth”. It is the worst kind of paternalism, blaming the poor for the excesses of the rich.
So where are the movements protesting about the stinking rich destroying our living systems? Where is the direct action against superyachts and private jets? Where’s Class War when you need it?
It’s time we had the guts to name the problem. It’s not sex; it’s money. It’s not the poor; it’s the rich.
1. Optimum Population Trust, 26th August 2009 Gaia Scientist to be OPT Patron.
2. David Satterthwaite, September 2009. The implications of population growth and urbanization for climate change. Environment & Urbanization, Vol 21(2): 545–567. DOI: 10.1177/0956247809344361.
3. http://www.foei.org/en/publications/pdfs-members/economic-justice/gasnigeria.pdf
4. For example, Satterthwaite cites the study by Gerald Leach and Robin Mearns, 1989. Beyond the Woodfuel Crisis – People, Land and Trees in Africa, Earthscan Publications, London.
5. http://www.ybw.com/auto/newsdesk/20090802125307syb.html
6. http://www.jameslist.com/advert/5480
7. http://machinedesign.com/article/118-wallypower-a-high-end-power-boat-0616
8. 15 US gallons/nm = 56.775l/nm = 31 l/km.
9. John Harlow, 24th May 2009. Billionaire club in bid to curb overpopulation. The Sunday Times.
10. Wolfgang Lutz, Warren Sanderson and Sergei Scherbov, 20th January 2008. The coming acceleration of global population ageing. Nature. doi:10.1038/nature06516
11. UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 2005. World Population Prospects. The 2004
Revision. http://www.un.org/esa/population/publications/sixbillion/sixbilpart1.pdf
1 Dec 2009
Darujte brezplačno! Nič vas ne stane, da ste dobrodelni!
Pri našem delu nam lahko bistveno pomagate, tudi če ne želite prispevati denarja ali aktivno sodelovati. Naj vam razložimo kako.
Ministrstvo Republike Slovenije za okolje in prostor je društvu Morigenos v letu 2006 podelilo status društva, ki deluje v javnem interesu na področju ohranjanja narave. To (poleg tega, da delamo dobro in da pomembnost društva presega zgolj interese njegovih članov) pomeni, da lahko vsak davčni zavezanec del odmerjene dohodnine (do 0,5 %) namesto državnemu proračunu nameni delovanju društva Morigenos.
S tem se država, v skladu s 142. členom Zakona o dohodnini – ZDoh-2 (Uradni list RS, št. 117/06, 10/08,
78/08), odpoveduje delu sredstev iz dohodnin v korist dobrodelnim in neprofitnim organizacijam, kot je naša.
Drugače rečeno, del dohodnine, ki ga boste v vsakem primeru morali dati državi, lahko namenite društvu Morigenos.
Seznam upravičencev do tovrstnih donacij je dostopen tukaj.
Postopek je enostaven in ne zahteva mnogo truda. Sredstva iz dohodnine nam lahko namenite na 3. načine:
2.) Zahtevo lahko podate pisno, na obrazcu, ki ga najdete na tem naslovu: -> OBRAZEC.
Naši podatki so spodaj. Obrazec natisnite, izpolnite in ga pošljite na naslov:
Davčna uprava Republike Slovenije
p.p. 631
Šmartinska cesta 55
SI-1000 Ljubljana
3.) Zahtevo lahko podate tudi ustno pri davčnem organu.
Naziv upravičenca | Davčna številka upravičenca | Odstotek (%) |
Društvo za raziskovanje in zaščito morskih sesalcev - Morigenos | 91274451 | 0,5 |
Verjetno ni potrebno posebej poudarjati, kako dragocen bo vaš prispevek za nadaljnje in uspešno delo društva Morigenos.
Z zbranim denarjem bomo, kot vedno doslej, nadvse gospodarno in skrbno ravnali. Ves denar je namenjen izključno znanstvenemu preučevanju delfinov ter aktivnostim za varstvo morja.
Za vsak vaš prispevek se vam iskreno zahvaljujemo!
24 Nov 2009
Orca and a great white shark
Orka in veliki beli morski pes
21 Nov 2009
Društvo Morigenos in Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo (Morska biološka postaja Piran) poglobila sodelovanje
Foto: Tilen Genov
13 Nov 2009
Pesem delfina
12 Nov 2009
Krilca (Wings) celebrate their second birthday
8 Nov 2009
Krilca praznujejo drugi rojstni dan
Krilca so res čarobna. Čudovito lepa so in koristna, čeprav jih ne moremo prijeti v roko. Nakup Krilc ni samo še eden v vrsti običajnih nakupov, temveč je dobro delo, ki resnično pomaga spreminjati svet na bolje. Našega denarja ne dobi tovarna, temveč bitja v stiski.
Ob praznovanju drugega rojstnega dne smo Krilcem dali novo možnost, da poletijo: odslej jih lahko podarimo tudi kot e-voščilnico. Vse podrobnosti na www.krilca.si
Namen Krilc je omogočiti stalne prilive izbranim trajnostnim in družbeno odgovornim projektom v Sloveniji, državah nekdanje Jugoslavije in državah v razvoju. Gre za posebna darila, ki jih v obdarovančevem imenu namenimo za eno od številnih dobrih del. Z nakupom takih daril lahko pripomoremo k ohranjanju rastlinskih in živalskih vrst, zmanjševanju revščine v državah v razvoju, boju s podnebnimi spremembami, ali pa enostavno razveselimo otroka brez staršev z novimi športnimi copati. Trenutno je na voljo 42 daril iz različnih socialnih in okoljskih področij ter geografskih območij.
Umanotera, Slovenska fundacija za trajnostni razvoj zagotavlja, da je denar, ki je namenjen za darilo, v celoti posredovan v prave roke. Izbrana darila se uresničujejo s pomočjo partnerskih organizacij, ki izvajajo projekte. Vse so se uradno zavezale, da bodo denar v celoti porabile za darilo iz projekta Krilca. Poleg tega redno pripravljajo poročila o porabljenih sredstvih, ki so objavljena na spletni strani www.krilca.si.
V društvu Morigenos smo ponosni, da smo lahko partnerji projekta Krilca!
Več informacij: Gaja Brecelj, gaja@umanotera.org, www.krilca.si, 01 439 4895, 041 535 947.
6 Nov 2009
Whale in Trieste
Kit pri Trstu
5 Nov 2009
Nimamo izgovora! Ukrepaj zdaj!
4 Nov 2009
Ste videli delfine? Sporočite nam!
Isto vas prosimo tudi, če najdete mrtve, nasedle ali ranjene osebke.
Če nas zaradi kateregakoli razloga niste mogli poklicati, nas pokličite kasneje ali nam pošljite elektronsko pošto na . Fotografski ali video posnetki so še posebej koristni!
Zakaj nam je to pomembno?
Tovrstna obvestila o opažanjih so za nas pomembna iz več razlogov:
1) Včasih se lahko na takšna obvestila odzovemo nemudoma in delfine na morju lociramo. Na ta način lahko identificiramo posamezne osebke in tako točno vemo, kateri delfini so bili na tistem kraju ob tistem času. Obenem lahko na ta način zberemo več ključnih podatkov o njihovem življenju.
2) Tudi kadar se na obvestilo ne moremo odzvati dovolj hitro, so takšna obvestila dragocen vir informacij. Podatki o tem kje in kdaj so se delfini pojavili, so za nas zelo koristni, saj nam skupaj z našimi lastnimi opažanji dajejo bolj celovito sliko o stanju teh živali pri nas. Zato vestno beležimo vsa obvestila ribičev, jadralcev, domačinov in turistov.
3) Pri pojavljanju redkih vrst, kot je bil npr. kit grbavec, je zelo pomembno, da se tovrstne primere dokumentira in da se preveri, ali je z živaljo vse v redu.
4) Če gre za ranjene ali nasedle živali, se lahko naša ekipa za nujne primere na obvestilo hitro odzove in na terenu posreduje.
5) Fotografski in video posnetki nam lahko pomagajo identificirati vrsto kita ali delfina, zelo dobri posnetki pa nam lahko omogočijo prepoznavanje tistih osebkov, ki jih na tem območju že poznamo.
1 Nov 2009
Konec poletno-jesenske raziskovalne sezone - End of summer-autumn research season
The summer-autumn fieldwork season of Morigenos has ended. The winter fieldwork season has started instead. This season, we plan to put a lot of emphasis on winter research. It is very important to gather more information about dolphins in Slovenian waters in winter months. We will, however, gladly remember this year’s summe-autumn season, which was incredible. This is reflected by the feedback of some of our research camps participants below.
Nina Uratarič, 33, Slovenija
“It’s high time to meet these animals in their natural habitat”, I thought to myself. So I grabbed my laptop, googled for a while and suddenly I came across the Morigenos webpage. Lucky me!! Honestly, I didn’t even know that dolphins can be found that far North in the Adriatic Sea. So this was great news, and I started reading through the camp description, looked at the dolphin photos on that site and pretty soon it was clear to me: I want to participate! A decision I wouldn’t regret...
During the ten days in Lucija (camp base, Piran (land observation point), Adriatic Sea (boat surveys), I gathered some special experiences. To me, as an admirer of nature, the encounters with free-ranging dolphins were just breathtaking. It was the 12th of September, a Saturday, and the first time we headed out with the boat to look for dolphins. We weren’t out at the sea for long when I suddenly heard Tilen shouting: “Dolphins”! I looked towards the direction Tilen was pointing, and there they were: MY FIRST DOLPHINS! My heart started beating fast, inside I was screaming, I almost couldn’t believe my eyes. This moment was simply overwhelming. Dolphins approached our boat, and some of them came so close that if I had reached out my hand I could have touched them. We stayed with them until it got too dark to take more photographs. A dolphin’s jump into the sunset was the cherry on top of our first sighting. I felt like the happiest person on the planet.
On the following boat trips we found some juvenile marine turtles which are coming to the Northern Adriatic to feed and of course we saw lots of sea gulls and cormorants. Quite often I mistook a bird for a dorsal fin of a dolphin, (yes, when they’re far away they can look quite similar), that’s why I sometimes didn’t appreciate their presence at all.
Every other day in the evenings, Tilen gave us one of his brilliant lectures. During these we heard lots of interesting stuff about dolphins in the Slovenian waters, the work Morigenos had done so far, future projects, dolphin biology in general, cetaceans in captivity, conservation and so on.
Time flew and the last day of the research camp arrived - our last opportunity for another dolphin sighting. I hadn’t slept much because of the party the night before, and my stomach didn’t feel good either, but honestly, who cares?? I mean, just try not to focus on it, put on your clothes and jump on the boat. The sea was very calm, the sun shining, but that doesn’t give you the guarantee to find them, as we’ve experienced on some trips before. Although it can be really frustrating, being on the boat for several hours not spotting any dolphins, you have to keep a “positive attitude” (I can still hear Tilen saying it with a dinky “French accent”).
And finally we got what we were hoping for. The perfect sighting! A school of over 30 dolphins; adults and calves, performing high jumps, side-jumps, tail slaps, etc. – AWESOME!
I’m sure you agree with me when I say: Time passes by way too fast when you’re having fun. I indeed was a bit sad when time had come to say goodbye to the dolphins, the sea and of course all the nice people (both members and participants) I met during this camp. All in all, these ten days were full of wonderful experiences and I gained a good insight into the work of dolphin researchers.
This camp truly inspired me and I will definitely keep volunteering for cetacean research in the future. And I wouldn’t be surprised to find myself on the participants’ list for one of the next year’s Morigenos camps.”
Karin Künstner, 25, Austria
“What to expect when you come to Morigenos? To see dolphins of course, but you can't imagine to see such a large group jumping and feeding and all that in the sunset! It was such an amazing sighting that you wish you could see them everyday! Even if it didn't happen, I still had the fun to meet with a great crew again and other volunteers. Yes, I said: "again"! It was my second camp in 2 years and I think that it might not be the last one. I enjoy being in that environment so why not come back!”
Sylvie Rimella, 33, Switzerland
“I've been to the Morigenos Summer Camp for the second time this year and as for the first time I really enjoyed it. I got a closer look at dolphin research and how it's carried out. Going out on the boat, searching for dolphins was a great experience for me. But also doing land based surveys was nice, even though one did 'just' observe the dolphins with binoculars. It's just perfect for everyone who wants to learn about dolphins in the wild. There's so much to know about dolphin biology, research techniques and much much more. I came into contact with all this during the day while being out in the field or during lectures and documentaries. Besides there's a lot of other marine life around that's worth knowing about such as sea turtles or fish. What is even more it's also a lot of fun to meet new people from other countries and find friends who are interested in the same as you are yourself and enjoy life at the Slovenian coast together.”
Sarah Lehmann, 19, Germany
"Deset dni, na katere čakam vse leto, so zopet minili, a tokrat s še boljšimi spomini kot lansko leto. Čeprav sem delfine videla "samo" dvakrat, je to odtehtalo vse ostale dni, ki pa so bili tudi brez delfinov izjemni. Delfine smo videli daleč stran od obale. Sprva so plavali počasi, tako da smo zlahka identificirali vse. Resnično me je presenetil Tilen, ki je s samim pogledom naštel imena vseh delfinov v vodi (med njimi je bil tudi Deinon). Bilo je izjemno, a tega, da je delfin priplaval pod čoln le slab meter pod mano, ne prekaša nič. Poskočilo mi je srce, ko sem se dejansko zavedla, kako veliki in še bolj lepi so v resnici. Plavali pa niso samo počasi, ampak so nam pokazali tudi nekaj akrobacij, ki so mi dejansko vzele dih.
Ostale dni pa... ste že kdaj rešili kakšno divjo žival? Ste kdaj rešili morsko želvo? No, mi smo jo in občutek, ko izveš, da je ta žival, ki je skoraj nepremično ležala na površju vode, preživela samo zaradi tebe... NEPOZABEN!
Živali pa niso vse, kar je naredilo tabor tako poln doživetij. Tudi ostale aktivnosti, salsa, dan delfinov, nočno kopanje in druge so pripeljale k temu, da je bila neprespana marsikatera noč. Nenazadnje pa naj omenim še ekipo - hm... recimo, da si boljše ne morem predstavljati, in moram reči, da sem se resnično navezala na društvo, tako da se me še nekaj časa ne bodo znebili."
Deina Meglič, 17, Slovenija
23 Oct 2009
Knjiga Ambasadorji morja
Iskreno se zahvaljujemo založniku, gospodu Mitji Zupančiču, ki nam je samoiniciativno od vsake prodane knjige namenil 8,5 odstotkov, kot priznanje in pomoč pri našem delu.
Knjigo lahko naročite na spodnji povezavi:
Sporočilo ambasadorjev morja nam in našim zanamcem:
"Dokler smo v našem mokrem, slanem in pogosto temačnem, a tako čudovitem svetu mi in na milijone takšnih in drugačnih bitij, toliko časa boste tudi vi in vsi drugi na vašem, s soncem obsijanim suhem svetu. Dokler bodo oceani polni življenja, bo živelo kopno, zato pazite, kaj delate in spoštujte nas in naš dom. Nekoč je bil naš dom tudi vaš dom, ki ste ga že davno tega zapustili, a njegove življenjska tekočina se še vedno pretaka po vaših žilah. Če nas ne bo več, tudi vi ne boste dolgo, zato ne pustite, da se to zgodi. To vam sporočamo ambasadorji morja in upamo, da boste prisluhnili našim besedam, ki prihajajo iz morskih globin."
16 Oct 2009
Morigenos at the world conference on marine mammals
3 Oct 2009
Delfini v Sloveniji zdravi?
Delfini v Sloveniji nimajo kožne bolezni TSD!
Raziskava je pokazala, da je bolezen splošno razširjena in prisotna pri obeh spolih. Bila je zabeležena pri 13 vrstah in 2 podvrstah iz Atlantskega in Tihega oceana ter Severnega, Tasmanskega in Sredozemskega morja. Pri večini populacij so najbolj ogrožena skupina mladiči (a ne novorojenčki), ki so izgubili materinsko pasivno imunost, niso pa še pridobili aktivne imunosti na bolezen. Pojav bolezni je bil povečan pri živalih, ki so bile tudi sicer slabšega zdravja in so verjetno imele oslabljen imunski sistem. V takšnih primerih je lahko stopnja obolelosti visoka tudi pri odraslih. Na pogostost bolezni lahko vpliva tudi kvaliteta okolja oz. onesnaženje s strupenimi snovmi, ki oslabijo imunski sistem. Pojav TSD je lahko torej pokazatelj zdravja določene populacije kitov ali delfinov. V tem pogledu je podatek, da bolezen pri delfinih iz Slovenije ni bila zabeležena, zelo pozitiven.
Zgornja fotografija (klikni nanjo za povečavo): TSD na veliki pliskavki (Tursiops truncatus) iz Gibraltarske ožine.
Znanstveni članek si lahko ogledate na spodnji povezavi:
Van Bressem, M. F., Van Waerebeek, K., Aznar, F. J., Raga, J. A., Jepson, P. D., Duignan, P., Deaville, R., Flach, L., Viddi, F., Baker, J. R., Di Beneditto, A. P., Echegaray, M., Genov, T., Reyes, J., Felix, F., Gaspar, R., Ramos, R., Peddemors, V., Sanino, G. P. & Siebert,. U. 2009. Epidemiological pattern of tattoo skin disease: a potential general health indicator for cetaceans. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 85, 225-237. (1,06 MB)
30 Sept 2009
Zdaj je uradno: Danny (delfin) je samec!
(Za povečavo fotografije kliknite nanjo!)
29 Sept 2009
Novo srečanje z delfinko Moni
(Za povečavo fotografije kliknite nanjo!)
Sorodna novica - Novice neposredno s terena: delfinka Moni znova opažena
28 Sept 2009
Posebna novica za posvojitelje delfinov: Cate je spet tu!
14 Sept 2009
Morska želva ujeta v ribiško mrežo
Izgubljena ribiška oprema za morske organizme predstavlja veliko nevarnost, zaradi katere lahko pogine mnogo rib, morskih psov, morskih želv, kitov in delfinov.
Prav tako kot delfini, so tudi želve v slovenskem morju stalni gostje. Za razliko od delfinov, ki so tukaj vse leto, se želve v našem morju večinoma zadržujejo med aprilom in oktobrom. Plitvo severno Jadransko morje naj bi bilo pomembno območje za prehranjevanje mladih morskih želv, ki so se izlegle ob obalah Grčije, Turčije, Cipra in severne Afrike.
Društvo Morigenos podatke o teh živalih zbira že od leta 2003, vse podatke pa posredujemo Zavodu RS za varstvo narave, Morski biološki postaji, Akvariju Piran ter zavodu Biocen, pa tudi društvu Societas Herpetologica Slovenica (društvo za proučevanje dvoživk in plazilcev).
Fotografije si lahko ogledate tukaj.
6 Sept 2009
Kako lahko (med drugim) pomagate našemu morju
Varovanje morja je velik mozaik, sestavljen iz truda mnogih posameznikov in organizacij, ki delujejo vsak na svojem področju ali območju, na svoj način. Mnoge aktivnosti, ki delujejo na nekem fokusiranem področju, prispevajo svoj delček k celoti.
Torej, prav sleherni posameznik ima moč, da nekaj spremeni in da sodeluje pri spremembah na bolje. Ne sme nas zatreti misel, da sami nismo kos vsemu. Ni treba da smo. Na mnogih koncih sveta se mnogi posamezniki in organizacije borijo in trudijo za čisto pitno vodo, za izboljšano zdravstvo, za dobrobit živali, za ohranitev določenih ekosistemov, za zakonsko zavarovanje ogroženih vrst, za zagotovitev hrane lačnim, za odpravo diskriminacije, za pravice žensk, ipd. Vse te stvari so izredno pomembne in vsaka prispeva svoj delček k mozaiku.
Društvo Morigenos svoj delček k mozaiku skuša prispevati na različne načine. Skozi znanstveno raziskovanje na terenu skušamo pridobiti pomembne podatke, ki nam lahko podajo sliko nekega stanja (konkretno stanje populacije delfinov pri nas, kvaliteta morskega ekosistema,...). Rezultate in dognanja raziskovanja nato uporabljamo kot podlago za izobraževanje in ozaveščanje javnosti. Isti rezultati so tudi osnova za svetovanje in poročanje državnim ali mednarodnim ustanovam, ki sprejemajo pomembne odločitve (Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor, Zavod RS za varstvo narave, mednarodni sporazum ACCOBAMS, ipd.), ter sodelovanje pri sprejemanju ustrezne zakonodaje.
Napredek je pogosto počasen. A to še ne pomeni, da ga ni. Nekaterih reči se ne da spremeniti čez noč. Druge se da. Ob vseh negativnih rečeh včasih hitro spregledamo pozitivne. Čeprav gredo nekatere reči na slabše, gredo mnoge na bolje. Ne smemo pozabiti tega.
Tudi vas vabimo, da sodelujete pri mozaiku. Lahko nam pomagate na en način, lahko na več načinov. Pomoč je lahko finančna, v obliki opreme, v obliki fizične pomoči ali moralna. Lahko je zgolj širjenje informacije v stilu »Povej naprej!«, lahko je osebna odločitev, s katero spremenite nek delček v načinu svojega življenja.
Sodelujte z nami! Pridružite se nam na naših raziskovalnih taborih, posvojite delfina, sporočite nam svoja opažanja kitov in delfinov v Jadranu, povejte naprej, bodite optimistični, ne izgubite humorja, namenite nam del dohodnine (ki bi jo tako ali tako morali plačati državi), ne obiskujte zabaviščnih parkov z delfini in drugimi živalmi, ne jejte ogroženih vrst rib, ne mečite smeti v morje, porabljajte manj vode in elektrike,...
Nekaj načinov, kako nam lahko pomagate, najdete tukaj.
Obiščite tudi stran »Morigenos priporoča«, kjer najdete več povezav na druge portale s koristnimi informacijami.
Bodite del spremembe!
Tilen Genov, Morigenos
How you can help our sea
Well, unfortunately, there is no universal or quick recipe for that, how to best help our sea (and the environment in general) to stay healthy, clean and beautiful, in light of everyday threats and negative influences that it faces by us. How to protect is against all the dangers that mostly originate from ourselves.
Marine conservation is a big puzzle, made out of the effort of many individuals and organisations, each working in their own field or geographical area, in their own way. Many activities on some focused issue contribute their share to the whole thing.
Therefore, each and every individual has the power to make a change and to participate in positive changes. We should not be too frustrated by the thought that we cannot fight everyting. We don't have to. In many parts of the world, many individuals and organisations are making an effort and fighting for clean drinking water, a better health care, animal welfare, conservation of certain ecosystems, legal protection of endangered species, secured food resources to those that are hungry, removal of discrimination, women's rights, etc. Each of these things is extremely important and they each contriute their share to the puzzle.
Morigenos tries to contribute its share to the puzzle in various ways. Through scientific research in the field, we try to acquire important information that can show us the status of a certain issue (in particular, the status of a dolphin population in our waters, the quality of the marine ecosystem,...). The results and findings of scientific research are then used for education and public awareness. The same results are also used as a base for advice and consultance to the national and international institutions, which make important decisions (Slovenian Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation, international agreement ACCOBAMS, etc.) and for participation in legislation-making process.
The progress is often slow. But that does not mean it does not exist. Some things cannot be changed overnight. Others can. Among all the negative things we tend to overlook the positive ones. Even though some things are changing for the worse, many are changing for the better. We should not forget that.
We would like to invite you, to contribute to the puzzle. You can help us in one way, or in several ways. Your contribution can be financial, in the form of equipment, in the form of physical help or moral help. It can be information spreading in the »Pass it on!« fashion or it can be a personal decision about a change in a part of your lifestyle.
Collaborate with us! Join us on our Research Camps, adopt a dolphin, report your dolphin sightings (in the Adriatic) to us, spread the word, be optimistic, do not lose your humour, do not visit dolphinariums or amusement parks with other wildlife, do not eat endangered fish species, do not throw rubbish into the sea, consume less water and electricity,...
Some ways of your help can be found here:
Also, visit the page »Morigenos Recommends«, where you can find links to other websites with useful information.Be a part of the change!
Tilen Genov, Morigenos
5 Sept 2009
30 Aug 2009
Kit grbavec v Sloveniji: epilog
Strokovnjaki društva Morigenos ter Morske biološke postaje Piran so o tem nenavadnem dogodku v mednarodni strokovni reviji Annales nedavno objavili znanstveni prispevek z naslovom »New record of the humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the Adriatic Sea« oz. »Novo opažanje kita grbavca (Megaptera novaeangliae) v Jadranskem morju«.
Kaj torej zaenkrat vemo o kitu grbavcu v slovenskem morju?
Člani društva Morigenos smo v preteklosti že sodelovali v projektih preučevanja kitov grbavcev drugod po svetu (npr. v Južni Afriki), zato smo na tem področju že imeli precej znanja in izkušenj. Ker smo kita pozorno spremljali v času njegove prisotnosti v našem morju in o njem zbrali kar velik kup podatkov (kita smo fotografirali za identifikacijo, merili smo intervale njegovih potopov, opazovali in beležili njegovo vedenje,...), lahko naredimo nekaj osnovnih sklepov. Šlo je za mladega odraslega samca, ki je bil verjetno na pragu spolne zrelosti. To, da je bil sam, za kite grbavce ni nič nenavadnega, saj pogosto plavajo sami. Glede na njegovo vedenje, dolžino potopov in telesno stanje je bil kit zdrav in v normalnem stanju, brez znakov bolezni ali težav. Njegovo vedenje ni odstopalo od normalnega. Čeprav nimamo trdnih dokazov, po nekaterih vzorcih vedenja sklepamo, da se je kit pri nas hranil. V prid tej hipotezi je tudi dejstvo, da so se v tistem času na območju slovenskega morja zadrževale velike jate rib, ki so sicer najpogostejša hrana kitov grbavcev v severnem Atlantiku. Verjetno je bil to tudi razlog, da se je ta žival pojavila v severnem Jadranu. V sodelovanju s kolegi iz ZDA smo fotografije kitove repne plavuti (ki se uporabljajo za prepoznavanje posameznih osebkov) primerjali z mednarodnim Katalogom kitov grbavcev v severnem Atlantiku in ugotovili, da ta kit še ni bil zabeležen v mednarodni fotografski bazi podatkov. »Našega« kita so tako uvrstili v katalog in mu dali njegovo lastno identifikacijsko kodo.
V času kitove prisotnosti smo Ministrstvu za okolje in prostor predlagali sprejetje nekaterih pravil in smernic za opazovanje kita. Zelo smo veseli, da se je Ministrstvo hitro odzvalo in na svoji spletni strani objavilo omenjena pravila.
Fotografije kita si lahko ogledate tukaj.
Za ogled znanstvenega prispevka kliknite na spodnjo povezavo:
28 Aug 2009
Join the Morigenos team! September places still available!
We still have places available at this year's last stage of our Morigenos Dolphin Research Camps, between 10 and 19 September 2009!
Join the team, work with us, meet the dolphins, have fun! Get involved!
More at: http://www.morigenos.org/index.php?path=Raziskovalni_tabori
24 Aug 2009
A study was published: Dolphins of Slovenia are not the same as those around the island of Lošinj
Genov, T., Wiemann, A. & Fortuna, C. M. 2009. Towards identification of the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) population structure in the north-eastern Adriatic Sea: preliminary results. Varstvo narave, 22, 73-80. (340 KB)
19 Aug 2009
Deina in Deinon - utrinki z raziskovalnih taborov
Deina Meglič, 17, Slovenija
18 Aug 2009
Rescued marine turtle
We carefully lifted the turtle out of the water and took it to Piran. After some consultation with experts from the NGO Biocen and the Piran Aquarium (coordinators of marine turtle research in Slovenia) we took the turtle to Ljubljana and handed it over to a specialist vet, dr. Zlatko Golob. He found out that the turtle was infested with stomach parasites. These creatures have exhausted the turtle so much that it got overly infested with barnacles. It was barely alive and would undoubtedly die if we had not rescued it. Dr. Golob, who is a marine turtle expert and works in the hospital for small, wild and exotic animals, has cured the turtle in less than a month. The turtle started feeding again and was soon ready to be returned to the wild. When we saw it again, the turtle was unrecognisable. All the barbacles were gone and the turtle appeared to be full of energy.
Morigenos researchers, together with experts from Biocen, therefore released the turtle on 14 August 2009. It was a special moment that will stay in our hearts forever. We all hope that our little turtle will live a very long and happy life, and that it would produce many new little turtles. Perhaps we all contributed a piece of the puzzle, however small, to the conservation of marine turtles in the Mediterranean.
17 Aug 2009
Rešena morska želva
Fotografije si lahko ogledate tukaj.
8 Aug 2009
Morigenos sodeluje pri varstvu Sredozemskih morskih želv
Fotografije: Tilen Genov, Morigenos
6 Aug 2009
Izkoriščanje morij
Komercialni ribolov je vse od 60-ih let 20. stoletja nezadržno naraščal. V 90-ih letih je ulov znašal že okoli 100 milijonov ton na leto, v zadnjih desetletjih pa smo priča velikemu upadu. Po ocenah organizacije za hrano in kmetijstvo združenih narodov - FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) je 75% svetovnih ribolovnih območij polno ali celo preveč izkoriščenih.
Evropska ribiška flota šteje skoraj 100.000 plovil ter za Kitajsko in Perujem predstavlja 3. največjo svetovno floto. Nam najbližja Mediteranska flota predstavlja kar 46% ribiške flote EU, vendar njen ulov predstavlja le 8% (500.000 ton na leto) ulova EU. To dejstvo potrjuje ugotovitev evropske okoljske agencije (EEA), da je večina ribjih zalog komercialnega pomena v evropskih vodah izven varnih bioloških mej.
Prekomerni ribolov nima le očitnih negativnih vplivov na ribje zaloge temveč tudi na morski ekosistem. V močno izkoriščenih morjih pride do znižanja biodiverzitete, zmanjšanja produkcije naravnih virov, upada povprečne trofične stopnje, povečanega nenamernega ulova ter večjega vpliva na antropogeno spreminjanje habitata.
V zakone je zato potrebno uvesti ekosistemsko komponento, ki bi omogočala smotrno rabo naravnih virov brez večjih degradacijskih učinkov. Dovolj objektivne in izmerljive parametre za ekosistemsko upravljanje je zelo težko določiti, posebno zaradi specifičnosti posameznih ekosistemov. Dobro je potrebno poznati značilnosti vrst ter njihove potrebe, interakcije med vrstami, njihov habitat ter nosilnost okolja.
Na žalost teh informacij primanjkuje, saj za veliko število vrst ni niti dovolj zanesljivih ocen o njihovem številu. Problem prekomernega ribolova izvira iz sistematičnega prelova in uničujočih praks lova, kljub že obstoječim priporočilom. Tako imenovano ribarjenje navzdol po prehranjevalni verigi (fishing down the food chain) je privedlo do strmih upadov ekonomsko pomembnih zalog, posledično pa tudi do sprememb v drugih vrstah. Ko močno upade ciljna populacija, se lov enostavno preusmeri na naslednjo ekonomsko pomembno vrsto.
Ena najpomembnejših komercialnih ribjih vrst je modroplavuti tun, po katerem je še danes veliko povpraševanje. Gre za veliko pelagično vrsto, ki je pri vrhu prehranjevalne verige in zraste tudi do 3 metrov. Zaradi drastičnega upada populacije, modroplavuti tun danes spada po kriterijih IUCN-ovega rdečega seznama med kritično ogrožene vrste. Večina ulovljenih tunov danes še ne doseže spolne dozorelosti.
Nedavni projekt Oceane (mednarodna organizacija za zaščito morij) MarViva je v letu 2008 na podlagi vzorčenja ličink pokazal, da so območja v Mediteranu (JZ Malte, J Tirensko morje, Egejsko morje) ključna drstitvena območja te migracijske vrste. Zato bi bilo potrebno vzpostaviti stroga zavarovana območja, ki bi pripomogla k ohranitvi te vrste.
Velik problem komercialnega ribolova je tudi neselektivnost ter nenameren ulov. V Mediteranu se vsako leto zavrže med 13.000 – 22.000 ton ulova oziroma 12%, ki ga predstavljajo tako imenovane nezaželene vrste. Zaradi nenamernega ulova vsako leto umre na tisoče delfinov, želv, morskih psov ter drugih ogroženih vrst.
Največjo grožnjo tega ulova predstavljajo predvsem »viseče mreže« (drift-nets). Gre za več kilometrov dolge mreže, ki lebdijo na odprtem morju. Prav zaradi nenamernega ulova je od leta 2002 uporaba visečih mrež daljših od 2,5 km v Evropski uniji povsem prepovedana, posamezne resolucije in prepovedi so bile sicer na različnih ravneh in v okviru različnih organizacij sprejete že veliko prej.
2 Aug 2009
Novice neposredno s terena: delfinka Moni znova opažena
Tilen Genov, Morigenos