15 Nov 2012

Meeting of the Scientific Committee of ACCOBAMS

Morigenos is currently in Monaco, at the meeting of the Scientific Committee of ACCOBAMS, reporting on the work of Morigenos and the activities in Slovenia, as well as participating in the formation of future directions for cetacean conservation in the Mediterranean and Black Seas.

Srečanje znanstvenega sveta sporazuma ACCOBAMS

Morigenos je trenutno v Monacu, na srečanju znanstvenega sveta sporazuma ACCOBAMS, kjer poročamo o delu društva ter aktivnostih v Sloveniji, ter sodelujemo pri oblikovanju prihodnjih smernic varstva kitov in delfinov v Sredozemlju in Črnem morju.

7 Nov 2012

Krilca (Wings) spreading happiness for 5 years

Krilca (Wings), gifts with magical powers, are celebrating 5 years today. With Krilca anyone can help change the world for the better. Beautiful and useful at the same time, even tough they can’t be touched or held. With them, you don’t make another ordinary purchase, but do a truly good deed. Money doesn’t go to the factory, but to someone in need. Purchase also doesn’t strain the environment, but makes a child, a dolphin or the community happy. Wings are therefore also excellent business gifts, since one can give an original and responsible gift to business partners. 

Umanotera, Slovenian foundation for sustainable development, ensures that the gift goes to the right hands. Partner organizations of Krilca receive the money to carry out their specified projects. Moreover, they prepare regular reports about the funds used, which can be found at www.krilca.si. Morigenos is one of the proud partners of Krilca. 

It is the right time of the year to become a part of Krilca and give a magical gift. Some gifts will travel far, others will stay in Slovenia. Certain gifts will bring prosperity to people, others will help animals. In any case, your move will bring a lot of happiness.

Krilca osrečujejo že pet let

Krilca, darila s čarobno močjo, danes praznujejo 5 let. S Krilci lahko vsakdo pripomore k spreminjanju sveta na bolje. Čudovito lepa so in koristna, pa čeprav jih ne morete prijeti. Z njimi ne opravite še enega nakupa, temveč naredite nadvse dobro delo. Vašega denarja ne dobi tovarna, temveč bitja v stiski. Vaš nakup ne obremeni okolja, temveč osreči zdaj otroka zdaj delfina zdaj skupnost. Krilca so tudi izvrstna poslovna darila, saj svoje poslovne partnerje obdarujete na izviren in odgovoren način. 

Darilo je vedno posredovano v prave roke, za kar poskrbi Umanotera, Slovenska fundacija za trajnostni razvoj. Partnerske organizacije Krilc prejmejo denar za neposredno izvajanje projektov. Redno pripravljajo poročila o porabljenih sredstvih, ki so objavljena na spletni strani www.krilca.si. Ponosen partner Krilc je tudi Morigenos. 

Čas obdarovanj se bliža, bodite del Krilc in podarite čarobno darilo. Nekatera darila bodo potovala daleč, nekatera v Slovenijo. Zaradi nekaterih bodo bolje zaživeli ljudje, zaradi drugih se bo lepše godilo živalim. V vsakem primeru bo vaša poteza povzročila eno samo veselje.
