8 Jul 2017

International Vaquita day

Today on 8th of July, we are marking international Vaquita day. The main focus of the day and accompanying events all over the world is on raising awareness and appreciation of the world’s most endangered marine mammal, the vaquita (Phocoena sinus). Vaquita is a small porpoise that can be found only in the northern Gulf of California, in Baja California, Mexico. The species is nearly extinct, with less than 30 individuals left, and declining at about 50% per year. The population is declining fast due to gill net fishing and illegal fishing for the totoaba fish blather, which is used in Asia in traditional medicine.

Morigenos is supporting the efforts and campaign to save the Vaquita. Find out more about the smallest porpoise in the world and how you can help here.

Mednarodni dan za Vaquito

Danes, 8. Julija, obeležujemo mednarodni dan za Vaquito. Glavni namen dneva in dogodkov, ki bodo potekali po vsem svetu je ozaveščanje in skrb za najbolj ogroženo vrsto morskega sesalca na svetu, Vaquito (Phocena sinus). Vaquita je majhna pliskavka, ki jo lahko najdemo zgolj v severnem delu Kalifornijskega zaliva (Baja California), v Mehiki. Vrsta je na robu izumrtja, saj šteje manj kot 30 živali in hitro upada, za približno 50 % na leto. Razlog hitrega upada je ribolov s stoječimi mrežami in nelegalni lov ribe totoaba (za njen mehur), ki se v Aziji uporablja v tradicionalni medicini.

Društvo Morgienos podpira kampanjo in trud za rešitev Vaquite. Več o najmanjši vrsti pliskavke na svetu in kako ji lahko pomagate najdete tukaj.
